Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Copenhagen Jazz Festival

Last Tuesday we took a little jaunt to see some of the music of Copenhagen Jazz Festival (yes, I'm still a week behind leave me alone). Not too much to say about it. We saw a jazz band play near the big anchor at the tip of Nyhavn for a couple hours. I don't do a lot of jazz back in the Twin Cities, but apparently it attracts a lot of old people and backpackers.

Anyway, the music was fine and I got to get in touch with a few students I hadn't seen in a while. I don't know what other jazz festivals are like, but this one goes on for several weeks I think and involves small concerts scattered about town. Once the band stopped, we wandered about the city looking for the other venues but it turned out that they were all in bars and restaurants and you had to pay 40 or 50 kroner just to get in. Since I was traveling with the undergrads that was kind of a deal breaker. Anyway we moseyed around for a while and headed home, time to get ready for another day of classes.

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