Monday, June 25, 2007

First Day of Classes

The first day of classes was a bit hectic. I couldn't sleep at all during the night, so I almost ended up being late to my first class but I made it fine. Dalgas Have is a bit of a strange building, but once you get it down then everything is pretty obvious.

My class this morning was International Investments which looks pretty good, although a lot of work. The only real problem so far is that I couldn't get the textbook until after class started, and we were apparently told in the syllabus we didn't have that we were supposed to read the first 3 chapters. There are a number of group projects and we track an imaginary portfolio throughout the course, and then finish up with a final exam. We have two instructors for the course, both of them from the Netherlands. The partners in my group are a Danish brother and sister.

My afternoon class is International Management, which looks roughly as easy and International Investments looks hard so I think they will be a good mix. The professor is originally from Texas, and normally teaches at Benedictine College. Like my other class, this one is mostly made up of Danish and international students with only a couple of Americans. This class has one group project and a take home final, and my guess is that one would have to do reeeeally bad to not pass this class. We formed groups here too, although there doesn't appear to be that much group work here. My group here is made up of three Danes, one of which is actually coming to Minneapolis in the fall to study at my school.

Coursework seems to really depend on your instructor and the courses you are taking. Other students have reported a wide variety of course loads, so for anyone looking to go on this program I would check around to make sure you don't get two classes with huge workloads as this might take away from some of your experience here in Copenhagen.

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